Our Workshop

---------- カービング制作工程 /Visit our workshop----------

wild hearts


We develop and design our leather products in collaboration with a leathercrafts shop overseas.
We develop products that are original and unique.
Every leather item is one-of-a-kind and made to strict quality control standards.
See the care and creativity that goes into handcrafting each item!!
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Contemplating the original design.
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Special hand tools are used by the artisans to carved each unique desigh.
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Well-made by leather craftsmen by hand!
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wild hearts
Sewing the leather wallet.
wild hearts カービング工程,ワイルドハーツ カービング工程,ワイルドハーツ カービング工程,ワイルドハーツ カービング工程,ワイルドハーツ カービング工程,ワイルドハーツ
Outstanding original design items!
wild hearts